Here's a simple Python script that opens a file and displays it as a png image. Each byte from the input file is represented as a greyscale pixel from 0 to 255. I saw a similar way of doing this by using PGM files and was inspired to write a python script to do the same thing.
Below is a the output of a simple C binary that prints "Hello World!".
The red line at the bottom represents extra space, since the input file couldn't fill the full height*width pixels of the output image.
usage: [-h] [-w WIDTH] [-o OUTNAME] inFile
Read bytes from an input file and output as a PNG image.
positional arguments:
inFile The input files to process.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w WIDTH The width of the output PNG file.
-o OUTNAME Name of the output png file. If none is provided then it will
default to <input filename>.png.
Will get a syntax hilighter someday.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from PIL import Image,ImageDraw
import math
import sys
import argparse
def saveFileAsPng(filename, width, outname):
fp = open(filename,'rb')
data = []
while True:
piece =
if piece == "":
break # end of file
fillColor = (255,0,0)
fileSize = len(data)
height = int(math.ceil(float(fileSize)/width))
img ='RGB',(width,height))
drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
#check to see if out of bounds
byteNum = (row*width)+col
color = fillColor
if byteNum < len(data):
color = (data[byteNum],data[byteNum],data[byteNum])
drawing.point([(col,row)],color), 'PNG')
def main():
#get arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Read bytes from an input file and output as a PNG image.')
parser.add_argument('files', metavar='inFile', type=str,
help='The input files to process.')
parser.add_argument('-w', dest='width', type=int, default=512,
help='The width of the output PNG file.')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='outname', type=str,
help='Name of the output png file. If none is provided then it will default to <input filename>.png.')
args = parser.parse_args()
outname = args.outname
if not outname:
outname = '{}.png'.format(args.files)
saveFileAsPng(args.files, args.width, outname)
if __name__ == '__main__':